At the Pre- Primary level Learning is thematic and activity based. The main focus is on building language skills, (listening, speaking, reading, writing), social, motor and kinesthetic skills. Teaching is aimed at making learning fun. In a free and stimulating environment, children’s intellectual, physical, cultural, artistic and communication skills develop and flourish. The curriculum extends beyond the boundaries of the board syllabi and is enriched with methodologies based on Multiple Intelligences theory, Bloom’s Taxonomy, Interdisciplinary approach, Learning styles, neuroscience and positive energy.


Play-way method of learning is a complete package that enables overall development of the child by developing in terms of feelings, intellect and skills parameters.
It not only focuses on subjective development but the emotional development of the child as well. In this method of learning, playing acts as the driving force as the entire learning method revolves around activity-based learning. It encourages expression and creative skills among children.
The play-way method is a unique method of learning and can be customized as per the child’s interests and requirements. Hence, it may vary from child to child. Teachers develop different customized learning activities by creating a joyful environment and plan the activities ranging from simple to complex. This method of learning is unplanned and hence encourages the complete freedom of expression. The teachers assess the aptitudes and skills of a child on regular intervals and keep their parents informed about same. The children get promoted to next level by participating in ample of activities like music, communication with teachers and other kids, art, learning and inculcating skills etc. All these activities ensure the child’s development such as physical, intellectual, psychological along with the development of different skills.

Literacy, numeracy, creativity
and communication skills

Self-discipline and
social responsibility

Ability for critical thinking
and logical judgement

Awareness and appreciation
of the environment

Individual talents


Play-way method of learning is a complete package that enables overall development of the child by developing in terms of feelings, intellect and skills parameters.

It not only focuses on subjective development but the emotional development of the child as well. In this method of learning, playing acts as the driving force as the entire learning method revolves around activity-based learning. It encourages expression and creative skills among children.

The play-way method is a unique method of learning and can be customized as per the child’s interests and requirements. Hence, it may vary from child to child. Teachers should develop different customized learning activities by creating a joyful environment and shall plan the activities ranging from simple to complex. What can be best for child other than to get a complete feeling of freedom? This method of learning is unplanned and hence encourages the complete freedom of expression. The traditional methods of assessing kids based on grading system are completely eliminated under this method rather, the teachers assess the aptitudes and skills of a child on regular intervals and keep their parents informed about same. The children get promoted to next level by participating in ample of activities like music, communication with teachers and other kids, art, learning and inculcating skills etc. All these activities ensure the child’s development such as physical, intellectual, psychological along with the development of different skills.